среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

Turbo Fire Review - Burn 9 Times More Calories Than Regular Cardio With HIIT and Turbo Fire!

Chalene Johnson is a world famous trainer responsible for Turbo Jam and Chalean Extreme and now she's got a brand new workout that will help you burn lots of calories each time you workout with Turbo Fire. Are you ready to reap these benefits?

TurboFire And High Intensity Interval Training Burn 9X More Fat!

You see, Chalene is not creating anything new but she's been smart enough to put it into a program that is super fun and that creates results really fast by burning 9 times more calories than cardio. This is because it's based on HIIT or interval training. She calls it HITS or high intensity training system. This method has been used by pro athletes for a long time. It basically consists of short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by short resting periods of time. Scientists and trainers have found that this type of exercise burns lots of calories and boosts your metabolism up to 36 hours after you are done with your workout. But, what are the typical results that you can expect?

Look, I know you don't care about science and mumbo-jumbo, you just care about losing weight and getting in great shape in time for your friend's wedding or to look fantastic in your bathing suit for your upcoming trip to the beach, correct? Well, Turbo Fire is going to get you the body you want with workouts that are extremely fun, I'd even dare to say addictive!

If you want a workout that burns 9 times the calories than regular cardio, that keeps burning fat for a long time after you're done training and if you want a proven way of getting a lean, sexy body, then Turbo Fire is for you. Are you ready?

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How To Lose Weight After Having A Baby

Your major concern about losing weight after having a baby should be simply to eat a healthy diet. Your body has worked hard for nine months and needs a good, nutritionally balanced diet to recover. This is especially important if you are breastfeeding your new baby.

It really is best to avoid going on any particular fad diet at this time. Just make it a practice to avoid junk food with empty calories, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. But do reward yourself occasionally with a treat of some usually forbidden food.

Even though it is best to avoid fad diets right now, there are some very good healthy eating plans available. They may be referred to as "diets" but are actually well-planned, healthy eating programs. An added benefit of using one of these programs is that much of the meal planning is done for you and recipes are provided. That can take a lot of stress off mom during the early weeks and months of having a new baby.

An important part of eating a healthy diet is keeping your body adequately hydrated. We sometimes mistakenly interpret our bodies' need for hydration as hunger. We think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Drinking plenty of water, juice, and other liquids can help ward off those mixed signals and will result in eating less.

Breastfeeding your baby is an excellent way to help you lose those pounds quicker. Can you believe that something so good for your baby can also help you lose weight! It's true, new moms who breastfeed tend to lose baby weight faster than moms who don't nurse.

Of course, everyone knows that exercise is an important part of trying to lose weight. But do proceed carefully here because your body has just been through the stress of having a baby. Start slowly - the recommendation is usually to wait six weeks after delivery to exercise - but be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Your doctor knows your particular situation and can recommend appropriate exercises for you, as well as a time table for implementing them.

Once you've got the go-ahead to begin an exercise program, finding the time to carry it out may not be so easy. You'll have to be creative because baby's schedule certainly won't always cooperate!

Here are some tips on how to work your exercise into baby's schedule:

Use a stroller or baby sling so that you can go walking with your baby. This can be beneficial for baby as well as you because it will introduce new surroundings and stimuli to the baby.

Get some exercise tapes that you can pop in at home and use any time the opportunity presents itself. Baby will probably love being close by to watch while you get some needed exercise.

It may be easier to get your exercise in small increments of time rather than in one continuous workout. But that's fine - three 10 minute or two 15 minute workouts give the same benefits as one 30 minute workout.

One last note about losing your baby weight - don't be too hard on yourself. Sure, it would be nice to be able to get into that pre-pregnancy size 4 dress right away. But the most important thing right now is your health and being able to take good care of that precious new baby. By eating properly, exercising appropriately, and enjoying an overall healthy lifestyle, you will eventually lose that baby weight.

Read also site about weight loss

вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Доступные квартиры никто не покупает

Минрегионстрой просит Национальный банк упростить условия ипотеки для некоторых домов, участвующих в программе доступного жилья. Покупателей на такие квартиры, несмотря на 30%-ную компенсацию от государства, почти нет

Заместитель министра регионального развития и строительства Дмитрий Исаенко заявил вчера, что ведомство ведет переговоры с НБУ о том, чтобы Ощадбанку разрешили выдавать кредиты на покупку доступного жилья без залога, за исключением покупаемой квартиры.

«Процесс идет крайне сложно именно потому, что 70% стоимости квартиры людям сложно найти, несмотря на то, что мы договорились с Ощадбанком и имеем минимальные процентные ставки по кредитам. Однако твердый залог сегодня не позволяет людям брать эти кредиты»,— сказал господин Исаенко. Но не назвал, каких именно недостроев могут касаться новые условия.

«i» писали, что Ощадбанк запустил ипотечную программу под 16% годовых в рамках госпрограммы «доступное жилье» вместе с Госфондом содействия молодежному жилищному строительству (когда государство оплатит 30% стоимости квартиры, а остальное заплатит покупатель-очередник).

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Заместитель главы правления Ощадбанка Александр Гришко говорил, что общий бюджет этой программы составляет 330 млн. грн.: 130 млн. грн. — кредитование Ощадбанка, 100 млн. грн. — средства государственного бюджета и 100 млн. грн. — взнос физических лиц — участников программы.

При этом за первые 100 млн. грн. обещают достроить 900 квартир. А всей суммы в 330 млн. грн. с учетом вложений населения, по словам Дмитрия Исаенко, должно хватить приблизительно на достройку 3 тыс. квартир.

Нежелание очередников покупать квартиру в недострое, несмотря на 30%-ную компенсацию от государства, неудивительно. У многих просто нет средств. А брать кредит, когда платежеспособность еще не вернулась к докризисным показателям — мало кто решается. Напомним, по данным НБУ, задолженность населения нашей страны по кредитам на покупку, строительство и реконструкцию недвижимости на 1 ноября 2010 г. составила 86,03 млрд. грн.

При этом 30,6% от этой суммы приходится на заемщиков из Киева и области, на втором месте Одесская область — 14,5%, на третьем — Днепропетровская — 8,8% от общей суммы. Но есть и позитивные тенденции — темпы сокращения общей задолженности значительно ускорились. За 10 месяцев этого года сумма ипотечных кредитов сократилась на 10,87 млрд. грн., или на 11,22%. Для сравнения: за весь 2009 г. сокращение составило 5,47 млрд. грн., или на 5,4%.

Но даже если НБУ пойдет на отмену залога при покупке квартиры по госпрограмме, претендовать на такое жилье смогут разве что обеспеченные очередники. В ином случае — потенциальные покупатели просто пополнят ряд должников по ипотечным кредитам.

Хотя, даже если предположить, что найдутся желающие на такие 3 тыс. квартир, то это вряд ли значительно уменьшит количество нуждающихся. По данным Минрегионстроя, на 1 января 2010 г. в стране зарегистрированы 1,174 млн. семей и одиноких граждан как нуждающихся в жилье.

Внеочередными должны получить жилье 98,8 тыс. семей, а первоочередными — 305,7 тыс. При этом лидеры по нуждающимся в квартирах — г. Киев (168,8 тыс.), Донецкая область (84,3 тыс.), Крым (76,184 тыс.), Львовская область (75,439 тыс.) и Днепропетровская (63,072 тыс.).

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понедельник, 18 марта 2013 г.

3 Secrets To Resist Temptations When Dieting

One of the most difficult things to handle while dieting can be those nasty cravings and temptations. They can sneak up on you at times and knock you right out if you don't know how to handle and resist them. Here are 3 tips to help you "just say no!"

1. Talk to a friend or family member

You're going along nicely on your diet for the day when suddenly, a craving for chocolate brownies hits you and hits you hard. What can you do?

You could give in, of course. But try calling a friend or family member instead. What this will do is take your mind off the brownie. They can also help give you moral support. This tip works if you will just try it.

2. Find a diet friend

When you are dieting with another friend or family member, it makes losing weight so much easier when you know they are with you in this. You can call them when you feel a temptation and likewise, you can cheer each other on in the good times.

3. Use the internet

Use the computer to your advantage. Sign up for an online diet program like Fat Loss 4 Idiots, or find some forums that allow you to talk with others online about weight loss issues that you are going through. We have all been through them and you will find so much help. You'll also discover tips, tricks and much more. And the best part is that you will be doing it right from home.

When you're on a diet, cravings and temptations are bound to hit you from time to time. The next time they do try some of these tips and see if they don't help. I think you'll be happy with the results.

A new on the network Top Attractions on the Thames in London

суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

Turbulence Training - 3 Questions You Should Ask Before You Buy Turbulence Training

Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training diet and fitness plan has certainly caused some waves in recent months. But before you get caught up in the hype and rush out and buy Turbulence Training, here is a list of three questions that you should ask yourself first. Don't buy Turbulence Training until you can answer yes to all of these questions.

1. Are you prepared to start a fitness and health plan that only involves doing exercise a few time a week?

The core of the Turbulence Training plan is that the best way to get fit is to exercise only a few times a week. Rather than exercise in almost every day, instead you will exercise just a couple of times per week, but at a much higher intensity. Doing so will result in better results than if you exercise more regularly.

This way of doing things may not suit everyone. If you enjoy going to the gym every day then you should probably not buy Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training fitness plan.

2. Do you really want to get fit and lose weight?

Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training has been critically acclaimed, and has sold thousands of copies. And a lot of people who have bought Turbulence Training have lost a lot of weight and have gained a lot of muscle. But, as good as Craig Ballantynes's Turbulence Training is you will not get fit unless you are determined to do so.

Getting fit is hard. If you are not determined to do it, then you won't succeed in achieving your goals.

3. Will you be able to stick to the Turbulence Training plan?

Unlike other fitness plans, Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training only requires you to perform exercise a couple of times per week. This is the perfect diet and fitness plan for anyone who lives a busy lifestyle and who find it hard to get to the gym. But if you think that exercising a couple of times per week is too much then you probably shouldn't buy Turbulence Training.

Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training really is the perfect fitness plan for busy people with little time to get to the gym,. If you are happy only exercising a few time per week, and if you really want to lose weight, and if you will be able to stick to the plan, then I'd strongly recommend that you buy Turbulence Training.

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Running, Weight Loss, and How Both Work Great Together
Metabolic Rate and Weight Loss

воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — типы кредитов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, который входит в десятку передовых банковских учреждений России. На банковском рынке банк предлагает такие виды кредитов:

Потребительский заем — выдаваемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком физическим и корпоративным лицам в целях покупки предметов личного пользования с задержкой выплаты за приобретенные товары и услуги, с дальнейшим возмещением одолженных денег и процентов по кредиту.

Банковские кредитки — более совершенная разновидность наличного кредитования, дают возможность покупать различные вещи без личного визита в кредитную организацию с определенным лимитом с будущим возмещением использованных денег кредитной организации.

Преобладающими функциями кредиток являются снятие наличных средств в терминалах или кассе банка Промсвязьбанка, а также отзывы о банках в кассах партнерских кредитных организациях. Помимо этого банковские карты позволяют сделать безналичные перечисления сумм, а также оплачивать оплату различных услуг. ПромСвязьБанк Заявка на кредит.

В банке Промсвязьбанк хорошо предложено кредитование жилья. Программа ипотеки дает возможность купить жилую недвижимость без использования личных денежных средств, с помощью денежных средств кредитной организации, с будущим возвращением занятых сумм под низкую процентную ставку. В залогом может выступать покупаемый объект недвижимости. В тоже время, недвижимость застраховывается от стихийных бедствий, кроме этого застраховывается жизнь и здоровье оформившего заем.